
A smile is the beginning of peace. - Mother Teresa

Hey lovelies, I have a secret to tell you... I love the bohemian world! Before I go on, does everyone know what I am talking about? I don't only mean the fashion I also mean the state of mind. You see, a bohemian; unlike myself, is a person who lives and acts by their own rules unlike the average person. And knowing this, it is actually something that I want to change about myself. Too many times I have been stepped on and I have all the time in the world to get my priorities straight. As for the fashion part, boho, is individual and free-spirited way of dressing. Boho can also be called hippie-chic, or even hobo-chic. If I were to pick a current celebrity who wears this style that I look up to, I would pick Nicole Richie. Now that you have an Idea of what this blog is going to be about, I hope that you will be happy for me to display the many boho pictures and posts and watch my grammar get much better.

☮ ♥ Fallon

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