
"The finest clothing made is a person's skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this." - Mark Twain

So grams wants to know what I want for christmas, and I am going to ask her for these:
they're by Jeffrey Campbell and I have been in love with them since last spring!

As for my mom, i'll be asking her for these:
black on black Vans! I LOVE Vans, and since I am hoping for a job at Burger King or something like that, these will be perfect!

The rest are for fun!
I love, love, love, these!
And I wanted a pair of UGG mocs last year, I am obsessed with moccasins, as for UGGs, I'm not overly fond of them, I just love the look of these!
And if you have not figured it out, I am in love with studs!
These are so badass!
I love boots like this, they seem to "get the job done"
These are so unique! I just had to add them!
I am in love with my Minnetonkas, here are some more in different styles.
I love how the peace sign are on these! But the brown pair in the middle is my favorite pair!

Okay, have a nice night!


  1. I love all of the shoes! Can't choose which is the best. x

  2. I hope you get everything you ask for |:)

